1 year agoMarch 29, 2023-Watchman News-2 Cor 5:21- Russia Fires towards Japan, Second giant 'hole' and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 16, 2023-Watchman News-Col 2:9-10-US military options in Syria, An 'eternal life' pill and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 16, 2023-Watchman News-Col 2:9-10-US military options in Syria, An 'eternal life' pill and MoreLiveactioneating
1 year agoFeb 9, 2023- Watchman News - 2 Thess 1:3 - US behind Nord Stream sabotage, UK to give Jets and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJan 9, 2023-Watchman News-Matt 6:19-21-CRISPR gene-edited meat coming, Weapons of War Dream and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoDec 31, 2022-Watchman News-Isaiah 43:16-NKorea fires 3 missiles, Abomination Adverse Events and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 10, 2023-Watchman News-Col 3:13- Meta's pedophile network, Saudi Prince threatened US and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoJune 10, 2023-Watchman News-Col 3:13- Meta's pedophile network, Saudi Prince threatened US and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJuly 22, 2023-Watchman News - Matt 16:15-16 - Wagner to start operations, Polish Land Grab and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoJuly 22, 2023-Watchman News - Matt 16:15-16 - Wagner to start operations, Polish Land Grab and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJan 7, 2023 - Watchman News - Ephesians 5:1-2 - Russian Warships near D.C., UFO shot down and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJan 6, 2023 - Watchman News - 1 Peter 1:13 - Next Pandemic Update, What To Expect In 2023 and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 21, 2023 - Watchman News - John 10:28-30 - SpaceX explodes, antichrist birthing and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoJuly 14, 2023-Watchman News-John 15:10- Apocalyptic End Times Weather, Harlotry of Babylon and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoJan 11, 2023 -Watchman News - Psalm 118:5-6 - LGBT tool - Depop Agenda, Conscious Robots and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 8, 2023-Watchman News-Habakkuk 3:19-Kīlauea erupting at 4:44, Red Smoke Scene over NY and MoreLiveactioneating
1 year agoJan 1, 2023-Watchman News-2 Corinthians 5:17-The Repentance Call of Ezra, Pope dies at 95 and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoFeb 1, 2023-Watchman News-Deut 6:4-5- Nine WHO Viruses Coming, Russia violates Nuke Treaty and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoMay 4, 2023-Watchman News-2 Chron 7:14-Putin assassination attempt, Counteroffensive Begins and MoreLiveactioneating
1 year agoMay 4, 2023-Watchman News-2 Chron 7:14-Putin assassination attempt, Counteroffensive Begins and Moretrevisdampierministries
1 year agoJune 4, 2023-Watchman News - 1 Chron 29:11 - Chinese Warship Harassment, Iran's joint navy and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJan 3, 2023-Watchman News-Titus 2:11-12- Israeli strikes in Syria, IMF issues dire warning and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoJan 19, 2023-Watchman News-Matt 7:12-Gunfire damages NC substation, Putin-Nephilim Lineage and More!trevisdampierministries
1 year agoApril 27, 2023-Watchman News-Luke 19:10 - Ezekiel 38 -Sudan, US to send nuke subs to Korea and More!Liveactioneating
1 year agoApril 27, 2023-Watchman News-Luke 19:10 - Ezekiel 38 -Sudan, US to send nuke subs to Korea and More!trevisdampierministries