1 year agoChrist in You; The Hope of Glory Pastor Joseph Piresson January 27th 2024Rockville Tolland SDA Church
11 months agoO Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go Pastor Joseph Piresson March 23rd 2024Rockville Tolland SDA Church
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Shall We Live Again? - Leonardo MelendezFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoForgiveness, Following Jesus, & Faith - My Personal Testimony - Franklin AllenFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
9 months agoSabbath School: The Great Controversy - TBD / Church: The God Who Sees - Cynthia WestFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Service And Understanding - Steve WindlerFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Ephesians - TBD / Church: Unto Us A Child Is Born - Christmas ProgramFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
10 months agoSabbath School: The Great Controversy - TBD / Church: Sincere Effective Prayer - Bob RogersFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Resolutions - Shelby WestFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Desperation By Night - Pastor FranklinFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Responding Jesus Way - Bob RogersFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Our One & Only - Pastor FranklinFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: I Saw Your Face - Ben OrianFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified
1 year agoSabbath School: Psalms - TBD / Church: Outside The Usual Lines - Pastor FranklinFort Smith SDA ChurchVerified