General Flynn | A Message for America: Biden, CBDCs & the Patriots Trying to Save the U.S. + Why Did Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Yates Meet Jan. 5th 2017 In the Oval Office? What's the Relationship Between Biden & China?
Eating Bugs | "Climate Researchers Say Bugs Could Be a Game-Changer In the Fight to Save the Planet." - CBS (The Network With the All-Seeing Eye As Their Logo) + "Plant-Based COVID Vaccine. A Virus Like Particle." - ABC
Tucker Carlson | "I'm Coming to You from the Most Humble & Lowly Theological Position You Can, & Even I Have Concluded It Might Be Worth Taking Just 10 Minutes Out of Your Busy Schedule to Say Prayer for the Future, And I Hope You Will.&