1 month agoI declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,faithfulwordChristBaptistchurchNairobi
1 year agoJoel Osteen Darkest Secret Revealed After Woman Confronts Him In Church With Child? | Gino JenningsThe Truth Is Hated To Those Who Hate The Truth!
1 month agoChina Has Imposed Retaliatory Tariffs On $14 Billion Worth Of American Goods!!!HuntersPoint
4 months agoLord Jesus Christ We Praise You and Give You Thanks for President Trump’s Victory.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
3 months agoAll of creation groans waiting on God’s Children to step into sonship.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
10 months agoSpiritual Sepsis You Are In Need of "Ointment" Bruises, Wounds, Then Putrefying Sores!GraceInPurpose
3 months agoThrough faith in Jesus Christ we receive Grace and Peace through Holy Spirit.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
5 months agoFather grow my Faith so I can call on You in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name for Notable Miracles.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
2 years ago【 The Measure for Judgment, Giving & False Prophets 】 Pastor Roger Jimenez | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB
5 months agoRepent, Surrender to God’s will, and Jesus will make the enemy your footstool.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
3 months agoKing Jesus You are exalted over my enemy, I will Seek Your Face always.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
4 months agoJesus Christ gave us the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, Use them.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified