2 years agoDr Maharhir Mohamad talks about the NWO ruled by the wealthy and reduction of the world’s population82C ArmyVerified
1 year agoPrince Harry builds himself an underground bunker. Reduction Agenda. The harvest of people on earthАbout our lives, what is happening in the world, and how it affects us.
1 year agoBILL GATES SPEAKS AT TED TALKS ABOUT POPULATION REDUCTIONChasing Demons and breaking through the looking glassVerified
2 years ago🔥MUST WATCH: Joseph Spencer 1989 Interview: Man in Black, Agenda 21, Viruses, Population Reduction, Fluoride in Water, Chemtrails & Fake Alien Invasion (Project "Blue Beam") ❗️❗️❗️D33pKn0wl3dG3
2 years ago💥🔥 Former Malaysian PM, Mahatir Mohammad, Explains the Joys of the NWO and Population ReductionReal Truth Real NewsVerified
7 months agoDeagel 2025 Population Forecast, Depopulation & Covid Vaccine BioweaponsFree Your Mind Videos
1 year agoMaria Zeee Calls Out the Weather Modification and Geoengineering Plan to Reduce the PopulationThe Alex Jones Show Infowars
2 years agoDEAGEL Website Predicts Massive Population Reduction in US and the West by 2025NewsParadigm
6 years agoDeagle, Think Tank Forecasting USA 2/3 Population Reduction in 5 YearsLeak ProjectVerified
3 years agoBoris Johnson's Father Authored A Book On A Virus...Also Called For Britain's Population Reduction*EEARTS
6 months agoWEF Speaker Jane Goodall Advocates Reduction of Global Population By 90%Covid_Vaccine_Adverse_Reactions
1 year agoMaria Zeee Calls Out the Weather Modification and Geoengineering Plan to Reduce the PopulationChemtrails are Killing Us