415 ARIZONA UPDATE: Elections, Selections, Mari-Corruption County, LD3 Circus Elections - Our New Chair Wouldn't "Allow" A Hand Count & Stormed Out Of Room With The Ballots! She Also Didn't Know She Was The Chair Until I Told Her!
415: ARIZONA UPDATE: Elections, Selections, Mari-Corruption County, LD3 Circus Elections - Our New Chair Wouldn't "Allow" A Hand Count & Stormed Out Of Room With The Ballots! She Also Didn't Know She Was The Chair Until I Told Her
361 JESUS ROCKS: FEAR ONLY GOD - Politicians Are Liars, Gov't Is Tyrannical & They Work For YOU! It's Time To Take Back America & YOUR FREEDOMS! | LUCY DIGRAZIA - Episode #7
337: SPIRITUAL WAR ARMOR TRAINING PART 6 - This Is Our Joshua Moment To Save America & Ourselves - DEMONS, WEAK CHRISTIANS & WHERE WE ARE NOW - JOSHUA 1:5-9
426: ARIZONA UPDATE - The Selected Elitists Stole Your Sacred Right To Choose Your Representatives - MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL - The Zelenko Report