Yuval Noah Harari | "History Is Full of Accidents. How Did CHRISTIANITY Become the Most Successful Religion In the World? Why This Story of Jesus? The Roman Empire In the Third Century Was A Bit Like California Today! You Need Completely"
Worldcoin | OpenAi Co-Founder & Bilderberg Group Member Sam Altman & Wants to Convince Billions of People to Scan Their Eyes to Prove They Aren't Bots | OpenAi Was Co-Founded by Elon Musk with Over $1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates
CBDC | Why Did the President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Neel Kashkari Say? "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions." What Are Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies?
The Great Reset & China's Role | "I Respect China's Achievements Which Are Tremendous Over the Past 40 Years. It's a Role Model for Many Countries." - Klaus Schwab + "The WEF & The U.N. Are Using the W.H.O. to Trap Us
Guns | "In Assigning of Fiduciary, VA Must Also Report the Beneficiary to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, AS UNDER THE LAW THEY ARE ADJUDICATED AS MENTALLY DEFECTIVE. This Reporting Prevents"
The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) | The RESTRICT ACT (S.686) Explained- "This Bill Isn't Really About Banning TikTok. This Bill Could Give Enormous And Terrifying NEW Powers to the Federal Government to Punish America Citizens." - Tucker Carlson
BRICS | Are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa & The BRICS Block Preparing to Introduce a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? "People Cannot Get Out of the Way of Things That They Cannot See Coming Towards Them." - Robert Kiyosaki