Univ of Connecticut: Long Haired Comedy Show Runner Helps Me Draw Massive Crowd, 120-150 Students, Crowd Remains Calm All Day, I Rebuke A Fake Missionary, One Young Woman Comes Under Tearful Conviction And I Gently Share The Gospel W/ Her, A Fantastic Day
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
Univ of Oregon: Curious Student Asks Lots of Questions, Female Student Under Conviction, Young Christian Woman Helps Me Minister, Super-Intellectual Student Hits Stumbling Block, Rosemary Joins Me Toward The End, Great Day of Preaching Jesus!
Valdosta State: Clown Heckler Helps Me Draw A Crowd of 50 Students, One Young Man Under Serious Conviction, Exhorting the Lukewarm, Exalting Holiness, A Wonderful Day!