1. UK Government To Release Documents Showing EU Threats As No Deal Brexit Looks More Likely

    UK Government To Release Documents Showing EU Threats As No Deal Brexit Looks More Likely

  2. Donald Trump Takes Aim At The Useless China-Centric W.H.O & Threatens To Freeze Their Funding

    Donald Trump Takes Aim At The Useless China-Centric W.H.O & Threatens To Freeze Their Funding

  3. EU Meltdown Continues As Officials Admit They Cant Get New Ventilators Despite "Collective Power"

    EU Meltdown Continues As Officials Admit They Cant Get New Ventilators Despite "Collective Power"

  4. Remoaning BBC Comedian Nish Kumar Is Still A Bit Salty Someone Threw A Bread Roll At Him

    Remoaning BBC Comedian Nish Kumar Is Still A Bit Salty Someone Threw A Bread Roll At Him

  5. EU Super Trawlers Steal Our Fish While Our Fisherman Sit At Home

    EU Super Trawlers Steal Our Fish While Our Fisherman Sit At Home

  6. The British Bulldog Spirit Lives On! People Come Forward In Their Thousands Per Hour To Help The NHS

    The British Bulldog Spirit Lives On! People Come Forward In Their Thousands Per Hour To Help The NHS

  7. Record Numbers Crossing The Channel As Supreme Courts Makes Deporting Them Harder

    Record Numbers Crossing The Channel As Supreme Courts Makes Deporting Them Harder

  8. Dominic Raab Explains New Lock down Rules On BBC As Piers Morgan Gets Salty

    Dominic Raab Explains New Lock down Rules On BBC As Piers Morgan Gets Salty

  9. Desperate Money Hungry EU Takes Legal Action Against The UK

    Desperate Money Hungry EU Takes Legal Action Against The UK

  10. Priti Patel Waffles About Ending Free Movement As Boats Land In The UK Daily

    Priti Patel Waffles About Ending Free Movement As Boats Land In The UK Daily

  11. Lord Sumption Destroys Shameful UK Police Force & Calls Out Fear Mongering Media On The BBC

    Lord Sumption Destroys Shameful UK Police Force & Calls Out Fear Mongering Media On The BBC

  12. The Guardian Wants Us To Pay For The EU Bailout In Latest Anti Brexit Rant

    The Guardian Wants Us To Pay For The EU Bailout In Latest Anti Brexit Rant

  13. Michel Barnier Gets Salty The UK Wont Cave In To EU Demands

    Michel Barnier Gets Salty The UK Wont Cave In To EU Demands

  14. The Remoaning Media & MP's Are Still Determined To Use The Corona-virus To Stop Brexit

    The Remoaning Media & MP's Are Still Determined To Use The Corona-virus To Stop Brexit

  15. UK Teachers Need To Remember Diversity When Handing Out Grades This Summer

    UK Teachers Need To Remember Diversity When Handing Out Grades This Summer

  16. Dominic Raab & Sky News Host Shut Down Ian Blackford's Brexit Extension Demands

    Dominic Raab & Sky News Host Shut Down Ian Blackford's Brexit Extension Demands

  17. UK Uni's Beg For Government Bailout... Tax Payer Funded Gender Studies Anyone?

    UK Uni's Beg For Government Bailout... Tax Payer Funded Gender Studies Anyone?

  18. The UK Border Force Continue Their Migrant Ferry Service

    The UK Border Force Continue Their Migrant Ferry Service

  19. UK Rapper Ignores Lock down To Mess Around On A Trike Before Ploughing Into A Car

    UK Rapper Ignores Lock down To Mess Around On A Trike Before Ploughing Into A Car

  20. The Chinese Governments Propaganda Machine Is Failing To Spread It's Lies

    The Chinese Governments Propaganda Machine Is Failing To Spread It's Lies

  21. The North - South Divide Within The EU Gets Wider & Reports Claim Germany Profits From Bailouts

    The North - South Divide Within The EU Gets Wider & Reports Claim Germany Profits From Bailouts

  22. The Home Office Finally Responds To The Grooming Gang Report Petition

    The Home Office Finally Responds To The Grooming Gang Report Petition
