1. Geoffrey Cox Joins Remainers Trying To Block Brexit Internal Market Bill

    Geoffrey Cox Joins Remainers Trying To Block Brexit Internal Market Bill

  2. Internal Market Bill Passes First Stage Despite 32 Tory MP's Betraying The People Yet Again

    Internal Market Bill Passes First Stage Despite 32 Tory MP's Betraying The People Yet Again

  3. Arch Remoaner Gina Miller Admits Defeat On #BrexitDay & Leaves Sky News Host Baffled

    Arch Remoaner Gina Miller Admits Defeat On #BrexitDay & Leaves Sky News Host Baffled

  4. Brexit Helps Scottish Students, The SNP Complains About EU Students Missing Out

    Brexit Helps Scottish Students, The SNP Complains About EU Students Missing Out

  5. Ian Blackford The SNP's Latest Desperate Bid To Stop Brexit Claim Boris Johnson Is Denying Democracy

    Ian Blackford The SNP's Latest Desperate Bid To Stop Brexit Claim Boris Johnson Is Denying Democracy

  6. Remoaner John Bercow's Hopes Of A Seat In The House Of Lords Destroyed By New Allegations

    Remoaner John Bercow's Hopes Of A Seat In The House Of Lords Destroyed By New Allegations

  7. John Bercow Claims Him & The Remoaners Blocking Brexit Was Parliament Representing The Country

    John Bercow Claims Him & The Remoaners Blocking Brexit Was Parliament Representing The Country

  8. German Journalist Destroys Reaminers Project Fear, Admitting The EU Fear Booming Post Brexit Britain

    German Journalist Destroys Reaminers Project Fear, Admitting The EU Fear Booming Post Brexit Britain

  9. Sky News Host Makes The Case For Continued EU Immigration, Priti Patel Is Having None Of It

    Sky News Host Makes The Case For Continued EU Immigration, Priti Patel Is Having None Of It

  10. Owen Jones Called Out Yet Again For Crying About Not Being Able To Cancel Everyone

    Owen Jones Called Out Yet Again For Crying About Not Being Able To Cancel Everyone

  11. Former Supreme Court Judge Wrecks The Media Narrative Surrounding The Lock Down

    Former Supreme Court Judge Wrecks The Media Narrative Surrounding The Lock Down

  12. The Governments No Deal Planning Has Helped The UK Be Better Prepared To Tackle The Current Crisis

    The Governments No Deal Planning Has Helped The UK Be Better Prepared To Tackle The Current Crisis

  13. Remoaning Civil Servants Claim UK Government Ready To Delay Brexit Yet Again

    Remoaning Civil Servants Claim UK Government Ready To Delay Brexit Yet Again

  14. The Truly Disgusting Finacial Cost The UK Has Paid To Be Subservient To The EU Exposed

    The Truly Disgusting Finacial Cost The UK Has Paid To Be Subservient To The EU Exposed

  15. Remoaning Soyboy Artist Defaces Brexit 50p Because He Still Can't Accept He Lost

    Remoaning Soyboy Artist Defaces Brexit 50p Because He Still Can't Accept He Lost

  16. Priti The Barbarian Is Draining The Civil Service Swamp. Top Civil Servant Cries To The BBC

    Priti The Barbarian Is Draining The Civil Service Swamp. Top Civil Servant Cries To The BBC

  17. UK Government Petition Goes Live Demanding The Release Of the Official Report Into Grooming Gangs

    UK Government Petition Goes Live Demanding The Release Of the Official Report Into Grooming Gangs

  18. The BBC Admits It Ignored Brexit Supporting Regions With Prejudicial Coverage

    The BBC Admits It Ignored Brexit Supporting Regions With Prejudicial Coverage

  19. The Mainstream Media Use Unverified Claims & Blatant Lies To Smear Dominic Cummings

    The Mainstream Media Use Unverified Claims & Blatant Lies To Smear Dominic Cummings

  20. The British Media Completely Embarrass Themselves During Daily Press Conference

    The British Media Completely Embarrass Themselves During Daily Press Conference

  21. Boris Johnson Is Discharged From Hospital Crushing The Twitter Losers Party Dreams

    Boris Johnson Is Discharged From Hospital Crushing The Twitter Losers Party Dreams

  22. Rutnam Vs Priti Patel Reports Suggest He Blocked Grooming Gang Report After Iman Pressure To Bury it

    Rutnam Vs Priti Patel Reports Suggest He Blocked Grooming Gang Report After Iman Pressure To Bury it

  23. Lisa Nandy Calls For Convicted Rapists To Be Put In Women's Prisons If They Self Identify As Female

    Lisa Nandy Calls For Convicted Rapists To Be Put In Women's Prisons If They Self Identify As Female

  24. Emmanuel Macron Demands Access To UK Waters For 25 Years After Brexit In New Delusions Of Grandeur

    Emmanuel Macron Demands Access To UK Waters For 25 Years After Brexit In New Delusions Of Grandeur
