4 months agoHORROR BOOK RELEASE: The Shadow on the Mountain HORROR TALES #book #HWA #halloween #horrorstoriesDwelleroftheDark
3 months agoLOVECRAFT HALLOWEEN HORROR TALES: 'The Slaying of the Monster' & 'The Wicked Clergyman'DwelleroftheDark
2 months agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION DAY 21: 'At the Mountains of Madness' by H.P. LovecraftDwelleroftheDark
3 months agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION Day 4: 'The Song of the Bats' & 'The Fear That Follows' by Robert E. HowardDwelleroftheDark
2 months agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION DAY 27: 'Wolfshead' by Robert E. Howard Featuring (Lore of Wolfshead)DwelleroftheDark
5 months agoJ.D. VANCE SPECIAL DEDICATION: 'Elegy to an Appalachian Boy' by Jeffrey LeBlancDwelleroftheDark