1 year ago🔬💉 Unveiling the Complexities: Mayo Clinic's Take on COVID Vaccines 💉🔬THE HALF EMPTY CUP OF JOE
1 year agoMassive outbreaks of asthma and rhinitis symptoms have occurred in Communist ChinaGloryTeam7
3 months ago【NL】Het enige doel van het COVID-19 narratief was om iedereen te laten vaccinerenGloryMifan2
4 months ago【NL】Dr. Abraham: Het promoten van COVID vaccins voor kinderen is slecht advies van de...GloryMifan2
4 months ago【DE】Dr. Abraham: Die Förderung des COVID-Impfstoffs für Kinder ist ein schlechter Vorschlag des...GloryMifan2
3 years ago🚨 BREAKING! Project Veritas exposes FDA's annual vaccine mandate plans (Hannity)AGA Network - America's Greatest Awakening
2 months agoPeter Thiel Believes There's Little Controversy Left About Not Taking the COVID VaccineGloryMifan
2 months ago【NL】Peter Thiel gelooft dat er weinig controverse meer is over het niet nemen van het COVID vaccinGloryMifan2
1 month ago【PT】Peter Thiel acredita que há pouca controvérsia sobre não tomar a vacina COVIDGloryMifan2