Dr. Zelenko | Zelenko Was Right "We Could Merge w/ Artificial Intelligence. What Is It That Inhibits Human Machine Symbiosis? It's the Data Rate." - Musk | "We're Going to Merge Human Tech w/ Human Intelligence." - Kurzweil
Yuval Noah Harari | "A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Can Even Write a New Bible. Just Think About A Religion Whose Holy Book Is Written By An A.I." - Yuval Noah Harari + Revelation 16:12-14
Artificial Intelligence | "Digital Super Intelligence Might Be the Most Significant Technology That Man Ever Creates. They Are Aiming to Get $100 Billion from Somewhere to Create Digital god." - Elon Musk
Artificial Intelligence | "That Interface Will Be Entirely AGENT Driven...Solve the TOWER OF BABEL" - Bill Gates + "A.I. Is Not a Tool, It Is An AGENT." - Yuval Noah Harari + Revelation 16:12-14, Genesis 6 & Matthew 24:37
The Great Reset | Are We Witnessing the Full Implementation of the Nefarious Great Reset Agenda Created In 1971? | What's the Artificial Intelligence & Surveillance State Agenda? Are We Ready for a Brave New World?
Klaus Schwab | "We Are Witnessing Rapid Technological Advances & With Artificial Intelligence Rapidly Transforming Our Production & Our Lives & Breakthroughs from the Fourth Industrial Revolution." - 6/24/24 + Daniel 2