Elon Musk | "The Only Action needed to Solve Climate Change Is a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Why Are Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Calling for a Carbon Tax, mRNA Modifying Nanotechnology Vaccines, Self-Driving Cars & UBI?
Artificial Intelligence | "You Can Connect Several Brains Together. For Things Like Identity, Who Am I When I Can Access the Brain of Another Person?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ra
Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Science Isn't About Truth It's About Power." - Yuval Noah Harari | What Caused the Maui Fires? How Does the Scientific Community Work? "Scientism Is a Cult." - Dr. Judy Mikovits
General Flynn | What Is the Bilderberg Group? Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Mike Pompeo, Stacy Abrams, Peter Thiel & Eric Schmidt In The Bilderberg Group? Who Is On the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee?
Yuval Noah Harari | "(Artificial Intelligence) Is Not An Artifact That We Are Creating. It Actually Should Stand for Alien Intelligence. It's a New Type of Intelligent Entity That Acts Increasing Independently of Human Volition."
CBDC | "The New Digital Prison System Being Developed By Big Tech Known By Many As THE MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM" + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
Transhumanism | The mRNA / Transhumanism Agenda Explained In 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds by Doctor Robert Malone, Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
Mark of the Beast | "How Is the Mark of the Beast Described In the Bible?" - Joe Rogan | What's the Connection Between Yuval Noah Harari, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh Project, Rev 16: 12-14 & Gen 10 & 11 & Daniel 7?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "What Does It Mean That I Own a House? It Means A.I. Says I Own the House." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Inside the COVID Shots? Is Self-Assembling Nano-Technology In the COVID Shots?
Dr. Simone Gold | Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Ray Kurzweil & Klaus Schwab Obsessed with Connecting Your Neocortex to the Internet? mRNA, CRISPR, Nanobots, Gene-Editing, Transhumanism & More
Dr. Simone Gold | REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES | What Is the Connection Between Medical Tyranny & Central Bank Digital Currencies? | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab Advisor)
Revelation 16: 12-14 | Did the Bible Prophesy That China & Russia Would Team Up & the False Prophet Would Show Up When the Euphrates River Dried Up? Understanding- Yuval Noah Harari, China & Russia, the Euphrates, AI & the Gilgamesh Projec