Joe Rogan & Tucker Carlson Highlights: "About Five Years In Then It (The Podcast) Started Making Money," Artificial Intelligence, Amish Happiness, the Cause of Autism, Alex Jones, Hollywood, Mike Pompeo & Speaker Johnson
Mike in the Night E573 - World Bank Wants to Replace Your Signature with Biometrics and Digital IDs, Illegal migrant crossings skyrocket 50-fold, FEMA Does Not Have Enough Money to Make It Through Hurricane Season
Ecocide | "Legally Speaking What My Organization & Other Collaborators Aim to Do Is to Have This Recognized Legally As a Very Serious Crime. What We See Is Businesses Trying to Make Money, to Farm, to Fish." - Jojo Mehta (Jan. 16 2014 WEF)
KATIE HOBBS DIDN’T WIN ARIZONA GOVERNOR! Massive Maricopa County Misconduct, Maladministration & Fraud Makes ’22 Election NULL & VOID. If MAJORITY Led Republicans Would’ve INVESTIGATED & Impeached, KARI LAKE Would’ve Signed Same Day El