1. theBAC'story [0003] Instagram Pictures [#theBAC #theBACarchive #thepoetBAC #theBACstory]

    theBAC'story [0003] Instagram Pictures [#theBAC #theBACarchive #thepoetBAC #theBACstory]

  2. WHAT THE HAUL? [0001] VHS Hunting [#VHS #VHShunting #VHShauls]

    WHAT THE HAUL? [0001] VHS Hunting [#VHS #VHShunting #VHShauls]

  3. VHShorts [0042] GHOSTBUSTERS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0042] GHOSTBUSTERS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  4. VHShorts [0041] THE NATURAL [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0041] THE NATURAL [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  5. VHShorts [0096] LIL' ABNER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0096] LIL' ABNER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  6. [0083] PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (1966) VHS [INSPECT] [#plagueofthezombiesVHS #plagueofthezombies]

    [0083] PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (1966) VHS [INSPECT] [#plagueofthezombiesVHS #plagueofthezombies]

  7. VHShorts [0049] THE PLEDGE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0049] THE PLEDGE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  8. VHShorts [0050] DUNE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0050] DUNE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  9. RETRO HAULS [0017] HAMMER Clamshell VHS Collection [#haulvideo #VHS #hammerhorror #theVHSinspector]

    RETRO HAULS [0017] HAMMER Clamshell VHS Collection [#haulvideo #VHS #hammerhorror #theVHSinspector]

  10. [0102] CAPRICORN ONE (1977) VHS [INSPECT] [#capricornone #capricornoneVHS]

    [0102] CAPRICORN ONE (1977) VHS [INSPECT] [#capricornone #capricornoneVHS]

  11. [0093] THE EWOK ADVENTURE (1984) VHS [INSPECT] [#theewokadventure #theewokadventureVHS]

    [0093] THE EWOK ADVENTURE (1984) VHS [INSPECT] [#theewokadventure #theewokadventureVHS]

  12. [0094] FROM STAR WARS TO JEDI (1983) VHS [INSPECT] [#fromstarwarstojedi #fromstarwarstojediVHS]

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  13. VHShorts [0138] RED PLANET [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0138] RED PLANET [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  14. VHShorts [0137] LIFE ON AN AUSTRALIAN PRAIRIE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

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  15. VHShorts [0148] THE ENFORCER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0148] THE ENFORCER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  16. [0090] ENTER THE DRAGON (1973) VHS [INSPECT] [#enterthedragon #enterthedragonVHS]

    [0090] ENTER THE DRAGON (1973) VHS [INSPECT] [#enterthedragon #enterthedragonVHS]

  17. RETRO HAULS [0023] Uber-Haul Video from VARIOUS [#vhs #vhshaul #theVHSinspector]

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  18. VHShorts [0109] THE SOUND OF MUSIC [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

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  19. [0041] HALLOWEEN (1978) VHS [INSPECT] [#halloween #halloweenVHS]

    [0041] HALLOWEEN (1978) VHS [INSPECT] [#halloween #halloweenVHS]

  20. [0042] NOSFERATU (1979) VHS [INSPECT] [#nosferatu #nosferatu1979 #nosferatuVHS]

    [0042] NOSFERATU (1979) VHS [INSPECT] [#nosferatu #nosferatu1979 #nosferatuVHS]

  21. [0098] APOCALYPSE NOW (1979) VHS [INSPECT] [#apocalypsenow #apocalypsenowVHS]

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  22. VHShorts [0058] HUCKLEBERRY FINN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0058] HUCKLEBERRY FINN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]
