2 years agoKherson Oblast, the captured Russian anti-aircraft complex Tor-M2 goes to the side of good.UkraineWarVideosWithEnglishSubtitle
2 years agoOblast Cherson, der erbeutete russische Flugabwehrkomplex Tor-M2 geht an die Seite des Guten.Ukraine-Kriegsvideo mit deutschem Untertitel
2 years agoKherson Oblast, el complejo antiaéreo ruso capturado Tor-M2 va al lado del bien.Vídeos de la guerra de Ucrania con subtítulos en español
2 months agoტელეგრამი. უკრაინის უშიშროების (СБУ) მიერ განადგურებული მტრის საბრძოლო ტექნიკა. 29. 06. 2024realtoma
2 years agoThe 9th Rifle Battalion captured a working new Russian Tor-M2 air defense system in the Kherson regUkraineWarVideosWithEnglishSubtitle
2 months agoNear the village of Zelenopol in the Zaporizhia region, fighters of the 412thWar in UkraineVerified
2 years agoOver 30 Pieces Of 2S19 Msta SPGs & Tor M2 Surface To Air Missile System, Shebekino, Russia!!Deez215
2 years agoDas 9. Gewehrbataillon eroberte ein funktionierendes neues russisches Tor-M2-LuftverteidigungssysteUkraine-Kriegsvideo mit deutschem Untertitel
2 years agoEl 9º Batallón de Fusileros capturó un nuevo sistema de defensa aérea ruso Tor-M2 en funcionamientoVídeos de la guerra de Ucrania con subtítulos en español
1 year ago🚀🇺🇦 Ukraine Russia War | UA Attacks RU Ships, Crew, and Vehicles in Crimea | RCFRCF - Real Combat Footage: Unfiltered Perspectives on War Military Actions and Conflicts