CBDC | "With a CBDC a Government Can Program Your Money. China Is One of the World Leaders In Creating Digital Currency, But They Are Also a Leader In Censorship."
CBDCs | The Dangers of Allowing a Chinese-Style Social Credit Score System to Be Installed In the United States | The Epoch Times’ Nathan Su | 118th Congress to Establish a House China Committee
CBDCs | The Dangers of Allowing a Chinese-Style Social Credit Score System to Be Installed In the United States | The Epoch Times’ Nathan Su | 118th Congress to Establish a House China Committee
BRICS | Why Did the United States of America Just Sell 136 Tons of Gold to China? Why Are China and Russia Working On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Currency?
COVID-19 Vaccine | Vaccine Passport Push Coming Soon? More COVID Lockdowns In China, Social Credit Scores In Action + How Are Social Credit Scores Working Out In China?
CBDC | "Organizations Like the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund & Central Banks Across the Entire World Are Pushing the Idea of a Centralized Digital Currency. Behind the Scenes, They Are Purchasing Gold." - TheEpochTime
CBDC | Are Xi & Putin Referring to the Ending the U.S. Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency? "We're Seeing a Chance We Haven't Seen In 100 Years & We're Driving This Change Together." - Xi Jin (Speaking to Putin)
The Great Reset | Why Are President Biden, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab & China's Leader Xi Jinping Attending the G20 In Bali to Together?
The Xinjiang isolation Camp | Filmed on October 4th 2022. It Is So Wide That You Can't See the End of it. China Claims This Facility Is Just a COVID Isolation Camp.
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
CBDC | China Is Exploring Expiration Dates with Its Digital Currency. The Currency Can Be Made to Expire. Thus, Forcing Consumers to Use It Up By A Certain Date
Justin Trudeau | "Admiration That I Actually Have for CHINA Because Their Basic Dictatorship Is Allowing Them to Actually Turn Their Economy Around On a Dime and to Go Green Fastest"