Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Choose to Feature a "Dove" On the Cover of His New Book "Nexus?" What Does "Nex" Mean? In Latin, Next Means: To tie, to bind, death and murder + A Reverse Noah's Ark?
England HAS FALLEN: Insane Videos Capture Dystopic Scenes as MASSIVE Migrant Riots/Biden Family Members Now Reportedly Discussing Possible Exit Plan for Old Joe/Court Rules That Arizona Can Require Proof of Citizenship to Vote – UNLESS Voters Use Federa
Former CIA Officer Jailed For Drugging & Raping Scores Of Women/Allegations Surface That Springfield Ohio Mayor Rob Rue is Profiting Off Renting Out Properties to Haitian Immigrants/Israel Had Planned Pager Attacks For At Least 15 Years/P*dophile Foun
Bill Gates Developing ‘Climate Vaccine’ To Inject Millions of Farting Cows/Scientists Unveil mRNA Cancer Vaccine To Treat Those Adversely Affected by the COVID Jabs