2 years agoMatra-Simca MS670B "Nr.12 3rd Le Mans" - Minichamps 1/43 - UNDER 2 MINUTES REVIEWTonisGarage
2 years agoChenard & Walcker Type U3 15CV Sport 3.0L S4 "Nr.9 Winner 24h Le Mans" - Spark 1/43TonisGarage
1 month agoRoulette Live - BEC BER T2s LCSD NR - BAILED, 300 unit loss at level 28. BR lost if I'd cont'd.Crack the Baccarat Code
1 month agoVOLKSSTURM, NORWEGIANS & COSSACKS TO TURN THE TIDE - German newsreel EUROPA WOCHE Nr 89 from 11.44Military1945
1 year agoRichard #Burdick's #Horn #Quartet No. 36, Op. 302 No.36 - tuned to 528 Hz. #ichingI Ching Music
25 days agoBaccarat - BEC BER T2s NR - 1st bad session with this system. 68th level bet and 451 unit drawdown.Crack the Baccarat Code