1. Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidence on a Napkin

    Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidence on a Napkin

  2. What Every Christian Apologist Should Know: A Fly on the Wall with David Wood (Part 3 of 3)

    What Every Christian Apologist Should Know: A Fly on the Wall with David Wood (Part 3 of 3)

  3. Molinism vs Calvinism: A Fly on the Wall with Tim Stratton (Part 3)

    Molinism vs Calvinism: A Fly on the Wall with Tim Stratton (Part 3)

  4. Why is Jesus's Resurrection Important?

    Why is Jesus's Resurrection Important?

  5. The Impact of Emotional Experiences on Memory

    The Impact of Emotional Experiences on Memory

  6. Answering Muslim Arguments That Jesus Did Not Die By Crucifixion

    Answering Muslim Arguments That Jesus Did Not Die By Crucifixion

  7. The Shroud of Turin | Highlight

    The Shroud of Turin | Highlight

  8. Humans Have Free Will: A Fly on the Wall with Tim Stratton (Part 2)

    Humans Have Free Will: A Fly on the Wall with Tim Stratton (Part 2)

  9. Be a Fly on the Wall with Frank Turek Part 2

    Be a Fly on the Wall with Frank Turek Part 2

  10. The Gospels are Greco-Roman Biographies: A Fly on the Wall with Craig Keener (2 of 4)

    The Gospels are Greco-Roman Biographies: A Fly on the Wall with Craig Keener (2 of 4)

  11. Are There Contradictions in the Gospels? A Fly on the Wall with Craig Keener (3 of 4)

    Are There Contradictions in the Gospels? A Fly on the Wall with Craig Keener (3 of 4)

  12. What's a Minimal Fact? | Highlight

    What's a Minimal Fact? | Highlight

  13. Biblical Inerrancy: How Important is it?

    Biblical Inerrancy: How Important is it?

  14. Did Jesus Predict His Imminent Death?

    Did Jesus Predict His Imminent Death?

  15. Can Historians Investigate Miracles? | Risen Jesus Podcast S4E1

    Can Historians Investigate Miracles? | Risen Jesus Podcast S4E1

  16. Writing Books for the Church | Highlight

    Writing Books for the Church | Highlight

  17. The Double Life of Ravi Zacharias: 3 Considerations

    The Double Life of Ravi Zacharias: 3 Considerations

  18. The Gospels: Based on Myths? | Highlight

    The Gospels: Based on Myths? | Highlight

  19. Jesus' Resurrection: Physical or Spiritual (1 Cor. 15:44)? | Highlight

    Jesus' Resurrection: Physical or Spiritual (1 Cor. 15:44)? | Highlight
