Underground Cities, Emerald City Under the Pentagon, Rainforest and a Canyon that Splits from the Dark Side Where There are Giants + A Treaty with the Giants, They Are Fed Human Flesh + Knights Templar, Massive Building Projects During 12-16th Centuries
Act Lawfully + We Needed the Light Side of the System to Take Down the Dark Side of the System + Volkswagen, Hitler & Sex Magick, Richard Wagner's The Valkyrie
Light Side and Dark Side of the System, Satan's End-Time Agenda + 3 Main Orders: The Order of the Golden Dawn, The Order of the Phoenix, The Order of Melchizedek (Practise Different Magick) + Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall
Halloween Events, Witches and Vampires + The Illuminati Ball Had to Be Cancelled + Most of the Top Rothschilds Are Gone, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen and the Light Side of the System is Taking Over
Kanye West Ritual, Marilyn Manson, Three People; The Trinity is Significant, Immolation, Long-Planned Ritual, The Dark Side of the System Has Fallen + The Light Side is to Bring in the Anti-Christ