TPM's Libby Emmons: "The difference between the GOP and the Democrats is that the Democrats are not only used to collective actions but it is part of their foundation ... They can get everyone to fall in line."
TPM's Libby Emmons: "This is a great weekend to celebrate! ... America has chosen life and perhaps there will be many many more birthdays this year than there would've been otherwise..."
TPM's Libby Emmons: "Will Trump supporters be persuaded to no longer support him after all these political persecutions? No, I don't think so. I think it's so clearly partisan political hackery that is being waged against Donald Trump.
Libby Emmons: "I would like to see MTG's "Protect Children's Innocence Act" passed, which I don't think will pass, because you even had Republicans vote against it, which is insane."
TPM's Libby Emmons: "What will be left for Americans if we hand over every part of our nation to people who are not Americans and who don't love this country the way we do?"