1. Covid Victims - 2021 - one week later -- and quick update!

    Covid Victims - 2021 - one week later -- and quick update!

  2. Covid Victims -- 2021 --- Vietnam's businesses have paid a heavy toll.

    Covid Victims -- 2021 --- Vietnam's businesses have paid a heavy toll.

  3. Free interior design services? La-Z-y Boy can help you create the home of your dreams

    Free interior design services? La-Z-y Boy can help you create the home of your dreams

  4. Learn how La-Z-Boy can help you create the home of your dreams

    Learn how La-Z-Boy can help you create the home of your dreams

  5. JellyBone's New Girlfriend is a Paintbrush --- the Texpat in Saigon (Cat Life Video)

    JellyBone's New Girlfriend is a Paintbrush --- the Texpat in Saigon (Cat Life Video)

  6. Corona Virus, Channel News, Viewer Q&A ...Texpat in Saigon (News)

    Corona Virus, Channel News, Viewer Q&A ...Texpat in Saigon (News)

  7. Breaking Out! (our first day out of lockdown) (Lifestyle)

    Breaking Out! (our first day out of lockdown) (Lifestyle)

  8. Pefect Saigon Mic - Boya BY-HM100 Interview Mic (Review) - Great in noisy environment!

    Pefect Saigon Mic - Boya BY-HM100 Interview Mic (Review) - Great in noisy environment!

  9. YouTube's Recommendations (Wasting Your Time??) (Review)

    YouTube's Recommendations (Wasting Your Time??) (Review)

  10. Medical Science and My Uncle's Big Toe

    Medical Science and My Uncle's Big Toe

  11. Lead Desinger from La-Z-boy shares tips on how you can be your own interior designer!

    Lead Desinger from La-Z-boy shares tips on how you can be your own interior designer!

  12. Lead Designer from La-Z-boy shares tips and ideas on how you can be your own interior designer!

    Lead Designer from La-Z-boy shares tips and ideas on how you can be your own interior designer!

  13. Steady Video Shooting - Part II [Video using bigger gear] (YouTube Creators)

    Steady Video Shooting - Part II [Video using bigger gear] (YouTube Creators)

  14. Great Bakeries near our house -- and a rare sight near the end of the vid

    Great Bakeries near our house -- and a rare sight near the end of the vid

  15. Steady Video Shooting - Using Minimal Gear for Rock-Steady Video

    Steady Video Shooting - Using Minimal Gear for Rock-Steady Video

  16. Who is the World's Greatest Influencer?? ... (Commentary)

    Who is the World's Greatest Influencer?? ... (Commentary)

  17. SCAM ALERT - Built-in Batteries for your Camera Gear

    SCAM ALERT - Built-in Batteries for your Camera Gear

  18. Saigon - A Little Progress, a Lot of Holes - Week 2 (Documentary)

    Saigon - A Little Progress, a Lot of Holes - Week 2 (Documentary)

  19. Saigon - New House Next Door - No Peace and Quiet ...for Months (Documentary)

    Saigon - New House Next Door - No Peace and Quiet ...for Months (Documentary)

  20. Not Really Bad Day -- and Some Channel News (Commentary)

    Not Really Bad Day -- and Some Channel News (Commentary)

  21. The Biggest Holiday in Vietnam - Tết - is Coming Soon! - Be Prepared (Vlog)

    The Biggest Holiday in Vietnam - Tết - is Coming Soon! - Be Prepared (Vlog)

  22. Stocking Up for Who Knows What - More Shutdowns Coming in Vietnam? (5 Min News)

    Stocking Up for Who Knows What - More Shutdowns Coming in Vietnam? (5 Min News)

  23. Rea's Cat Video Compilation ... Sadly an Abandoned Project .... (Cat Life)

    Rea's Cat Video Compilation ... Sadly an Abandoned Project .... (Cat Life)

  24. Covid-19-- Vietnam is Winning (Observations)

    Covid-19-- Vietnam is Winning (Observations)

  25. Big Restaurant and Businesses Destined to Fail??

    Big Restaurant and Businesses Destined to Fail??
