The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained, “The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body.”
Transhumanism | Joe Biden, Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil Explain Transhumanism, "Biometric Sensors Inside Their Bodies and Will Allow Google, Facebook, the Chinese Government to Constantly Monitor What's Happening Inside Bodies
The Internet of Bodies & The Great Reset Agenda Explained | "We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives from What You Eat, Who You Date, What You Buy, How Much Energy You Use"
The Internet of Bodies & The Great Reset Agenda Explained, “If Our Brains Are Connected and You Record What Are You Thinking, What You Are Seeing, Measuring Your Feelings..This Data Is Going to Be Stored Somewhere.”
Design of Intra-body Nano-communication Network for Future Nano-medicine 2018 - Intra-body communication is a method that utilizes the human body as a broadcast biological medium for electromagnetic signals to inter-connect wireless body sensors.
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Judy Mikovits Has 5 Questions for Dr. Robert Malone | Why Did Dr. Robert Malone Create mRNA Technology & Why Is Dr. Malone Part of NIH ACTIV?
Executive Order 14067 Explained | Catherine Austin Fitts Explains, "A Digital Transaction Control Grid...Your Money Will Turn Off 5 Miles from Your Home."
Mel K | Is Worldwide De-Dollarization Happening NOW? The Connection Between the Down Losing 9% of Its Value In September, Gold-Backed Currencies, BRICS, China, Russia, Putin, the Bank of England Financial Collapse and BIS Upgrades of Gold as Tier 1 Asset