1. WHALE ALERT!!! Tradingviews' Whale Indicator and how to use it (the point, Indictors are worthless)

    WHALE ALERT!!! Tradingviews' Whale Indicator and how to use it (the point, Indictors are worthless)

  2. Which way will COMEX silver get spoofed next today - CFTC Ros...any guesses hombre?😂😂😂

    Which way will COMEX silver get spoofed next today - CFTC Ros...any guesses hombre?😂😂😂

  3. Silver spikes, Jerome Powell accused of front running Fed policy actions

    Silver spikes, Jerome Powell accused of front running Fed policy actions

  4. Silver rebounds as debt ceiling panic grows, & Facebook gets shut down

    Silver rebounds as debt ceiling panic grows, & Facebook gets shut down
