4 years agoNew Queen: Dead Queen -- How NOT to install a queen bee. Last chance for RED DAWN!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoBeehive Heater Update -- The Internal beehive heaters are working. All bees are warm on a cold nightBug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoTime to Feed the Bees - Heading Into Dearth. 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties for the girls.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoMaking Colored Sugar Syrup for Winter Feeding -- Keeping the honey pure and the bees happy.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoA Groovy New Pad: The apiary is expanding and the new bees need a place to stay. Beehive pad.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoGreen Queen MIA: Missing Green Queen results in and a walk-away split. Welcome Back Orange Hive!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoInstalling Foundation-- Installing foundation in the frames we recently built.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoBeehive Heater Temp Check on a 21F Day: Are the hive heaters able to keep up and keep the bees warm?Bug Farmer Beekeeping