April 8th: CERN Attempts to Shift the Timeline! — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D- Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
Sarah Elkhaldy Talks Freewill, the Separation of the Old and New Earth (AKA 3D <–> 5D Timelines Split), Relationships/Intimacy, Activism, Magic Mushrooms, Dimensions, and More on the "Pretty Intense" Podcast!
YOU’RE NOT GETTING IT 💉 SO DOESN’T MATTER, BUT HERE’S WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: You are Jumping to Higher Timelines, and What That Looks Like to You is #BackfillPeople and Real [But Ill-Prepared] Souls Being Removed.
Dimensions & Densities: The Difference.. + 4D Explained, 5D Explained, and Developing Multidimensional Consciousness (Awareness of Organic Vs. Synthetic Timelines). | Sarah Elkhaldy, “The Alchemist”.
[MUST WATCH] Tartaria: The Pod People, The World's Fairs and a Rich Hidden Past, The Most Previous Great Reset That Took Place.. and Did We Shift to a Lower Timeline Nearly 2 Centuries Back?? | Journey to Truth Webinar