August 10, 1982, Prince Andrew's Hidden Brother, Rothschilds, Prince Philip Went to the Satanic Council Over Dandelions, Laurie Cabot Kent Defended Jessie
Space Force Lt. General Deanna Burt "Since January of This Year More Than 400 Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws Have Been Introduced At the State Level..." | Does the Space Force Leadership Team or the Space Balls Leadership Team Inspire More Confidence?
Col. Michael Aquino's Book Trilogy, Fear and Trauma-Based Mind Control vs Catering to Morals/Ethics and Will, The Propaganda to Make People Wear Masks + Emphasizing Physical Reality Only
ROR#80 (Jan. 2021) - Ceremonies - It's Not a Pool (i.e. The "Pool" Seen in the Images From Q Posts #1900 and #1901 is Actually a Boat Cleaning Area in the Vanderbilt Estate, Where the First Blasphemy Ritual That Jessie Witnessed Took Place)
Droel Law Firm, Unlawfully Unsealed Jessie Czebotar's Affidavits + Jessie Names Mike Pence, John Kerry, The Cheneys, The Clintons, George Bush (Senior and Junior), Ronald Reagan