What Is Executive Order 14067? (Part 1) | Does the Central Bank Digital Currency / Programmable Currency / Mark of the Beast / Social Credit Score System Begin On December 13th 2022?
Digital God | Why Is Elon Musk Talking About Creating "Digital God?" "Memphis, Perhaps This Is Where Our New God Comes From?" + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying, "We Are In the Process of Turning Ourselves Into Gods?"
COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The ENTIRE Intra-Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines Transhumanism-The-Internet-of-Bodies-Central-Bank-Digital-Currency-Transhumanism-Great-Reset-Agenda-Explained (In 21 Minutes)
Wo With Bo (Part 10) | Will the Depopulation & Central Bank Digital Currency Agenda Be Stopped? "Satan Had His Plans & Then God Showed Up!" - Bo Polny + Will Bo Polny Change His Name to "E-BO-LA Polny?"