Candice Keller | “One Of The Signs Said, This Is Not The Church And I Looked Up At That And Thought, Oh No This Is The Church Because I’m Here!” - Candice Keller
Eric Trump | Eric Trump & Alina Habba Live from Sheridan.Church & Tulsa-Rulsalem Hosted By Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer | Eric Discusses the Unquestionable Loyalty of General Flynn, Save America, God's Protection, Etc.
Declaration of Independence | "The Declaration of Independence Was At That Time An Act of Treason. Freedom Is Treason to the Forces of Tyranny." - Jonathan Cahn + History of Church & State In America
The Remnant Church | Pastor Leon Benjamin Discusses the Sin of Lasciviousness (Galatians 5:19, Jude 1:7, Leviticus 18:22, Etc.) + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Wanting to Re-Write The Holy Bible Using A.I.?
Eric Trump, Alina Habba & Julie Green | Live from Tulsa-Rusalem & Sheridan.Church!!! Eric Trump Discusses Why It’s the 11th Hour In America & the Practical Path Forward to SAVE AMERICA