1. ♑️ Capricorn: This week brings reflection on past betrayals from a specific person you once loved!

    ♑️ Capricorn: This week brings reflection on past betrayals from a specific person you once loved!

  2. ♋️ Cancer: This week brings a PAST love; they have TONS to say to win you back, but is it worth it?

    ♋️ Cancer: This week brings a PAST love; they have TONS to say to win you back, but is it worth it?

  3. ♊️ Gemini: This week brings an energy of discovering the hidden truths between you & the your LOVE!

    ♊️ Gemini: This week brings an energy of discovering the hidden truths between you & the your LOVE!

  4. ♎️Libra:This week brings an energy of possible passion reconciliation; but you don't feel fulfilled!

    ♎️Libra:This week brings an energy of possible passion reconciliation; but you don't feel fulfilled!

  5. ♉️ Taurus: This week brings an energy of quick moving communication with regards of a past lover!

    ♉️ Taurus: This week brings an energy of quick moving communication with regards of a past lover!

  6. ♌️ Leo: This week brings a peace offering from a past LOVE to clear the energy, they won't change!

    ♌️ Leo: This week brings a peace offering from a past LOVE to clear the energy, they won't change!

  7. ♐️ Sagittarius: This week brings an energy of mourning due to you feeling weighed down by burdens!

    ♐️ Sagittarius: This week brings an energy of mourning due to you feeling weighed down by burdens!

  8. ♒️Aquarius:This week brings an energy of ups & down; uncertainty & feeling stuck on stupid; UR NOT!

    ♒️Aquarius:This week brings an energy of ups & down; uncertainty & feeling stuck on stupid; UR NOT!

  9. ♊️ Gemini: This week brings the energy of new opportunities, perspectives & new ways of life & love!

    ♊️ Gemini: This week brings the energy of new opportunities, perspectives & new ways of life & love!

  10. ♍️ Virgo: This week brings an energy of battling demons & getting it from all ends; there is light!

    ♍️ Virgo: This week brings an energy of battling demons & getting it from all ends; there is light!

  11. ♌️ Leo: Love Reading ➡️❤️Honeymoon❤️CoDependency ❤️Religious Factors…

    ♌️ Leo: Love Reading ➡️❤️Honeymoon❤️CoDependency ❤️Religious Factors…

  12. ♏️ Scorpio: This week brings heart to heart conversations; express the love in your heart 2 UR LOVE!

    ♏️ Scorpio: This week brings heart to heart conversations; express the love in your heart 2 UR LOVE!

  13. ♈️ Aries: This week brings the energy of sadness & longing for your past love; bittersweet energy!

    ♈️ Aries: This week brings the energy of sadness & longing for your past love; bittersweet energy!

  14. ♈️ Aries: Love Reading ➡️ ❤️Romantic Feelings❤️ Express Your Love❤️Co-Dependency

    ♈️ Aries: Love Reading ➡️ ❤️Romantic Feelings❤️ Express Your Love❤️Co-Dependency

  15. ♏️ Scorpio: Love Reading ➡️ ❤️ Passion ❤️ Religious Factors ❤️ Wedding…...

    ♏️ Scorpio: Love Reading ➡️ ❤️ Passion ❤️ Religious Factors ❤️ Wedding…...

  16. ♓️Pisces: Love Reading ➡️❤️Give Your Relationship a Chance ❤️Forgiving & Learning ❤️It is Safe for..

    ♓️Pisces: Love Reading ➡️❤️Give Your Relationship a Chance ❤️Forgiving & Learning ❤️It is Safe for..

  17. ♉️Taurus: This week brings energy of togetherness realizing your BOND & working on your partnership!

    ♉️Taurus: This week brings energy of togetherness realizing your BOND & working on your partnership!

  18. ♉️ Taurus: This week brings the energy of rethinking home related things; after many past struggles!

    ♉️ Taurus: This week brings the energy of rethinking home related things; after many past struggles!

  19. ♌️ Leo: This week brings the energy of sweet surrender around feelings about past wrong doings!

    ♌️ Leo: This week brings the energy of sweet surrender around feelings about past wrong doings!

  20. ♑️ Capricorn: This week brings the energy of putting space between you & the past false truths!

    ♑️ Capricorn: This week brings the energy of putting space between you & the past false truths!

  21. ♒️Aquarius:This week brings the energy of hope, healing & optimism of incorporating newness in LIFE!

    ♒️Aquarius:This week brings the energy of hope, healing & optimism of incorporating newness in LIFE!

  22. ♐️ Sagittarius: This week brings revelations; someone got caught up & a TOWER moment occurred!

    ♐️ Sagittarius: This week brings revelations; someone got caught up & a TOWER moment occurred!

  23. ♊️ Gemini: Love Reading ➡️❤️Stay Optimistic about your Love Life❤️Playfulness ❤️Separation…

    ♊️ Gemini: Love Reading ➡️❤️Stay Optimistic about your Love Life❤️Playfulness ❤️Separation…
