All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
JAG Hangs Shenna Bellows for Treason/Trump Vows To Prosecute ‘Nasty DC Pedophiles’ If He Wins Election/McCabe: ‘Terrified’ Intelligence Officials Preparing To Flee US To Avoid Jail If Trump Is Re-Elected
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK