3 years ago"Weasel! Butthead!" MO Teacher Bullies 6th Grade Student for Asking About Gay Pride CupcakesDinesh D'SouzaVerified
3 months agoDSNews | Mike Gill Recap w/ Beavis (Nino) and Butthead (Waynito) flare | Skriptkeeper is hotter than Paprika because you know that’s a spice | Actionable steps to open Pandora’s Box by Patrick MockridgeD Mind of Booma SanVerified
2 years agoCan LDS singles not be buttheads when dating? - Joy in the Journey Radio Program Clip - 24 Aug 22joyinthejourneyradio
1 month agoPhysics Of Icing Spatula Remind Me of 1990's Beavis & Butthead! Act Your Age!Based GamerVerified
1 year agoSen. Kennedy: ‘Congratulations, butthead,' you almost got a justice killedThe Wayne Dupree PodcastVerified
1 year agoThe Manwich Show Ep #38 |GOING LIVE| AMERICA'S PRISON PODCAST: Today's Topic... BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD |forever STREAM edition|TheManwichShow