1. Riding With the Itsy Bitsy. A recipe to Get the Broom Off the Ground. A Better Translation of Hebrew

    Riding With the Itsy Bitsy. A recipe to Get the Broom Off the Ground. A Better Translation of Hebrew

  2. Thoth, Dehuty, Duat and Theo. The Ancient Hidden Meanings. A Better History & Translation of Hebrew

    Thoth, Dehuty, Duat and Theo. The Ancient Hidden Meanings. A Better History & Translation of Hebrew

  3. The Gift of the Gods. A Better Interpretation of the Mumble Jumble They Don't Want You to Know......

    The Gift of the Gods. A Better Interpretation of the Mumble Jumble They Don't Want You to Know......

  4. Ancient Coptic, HeBrew and English Resemblances. Meaning of the Snay.

    Ancient Coptic, HeBrew and English Resemblances. Meaning of the Snay.

  5. Proof Blood Drinking Lizard People Wrote the Hebrew Bible

    Proof Blood Drinking Lizard People Wrote the Hebrew Bible

  6. Magick of the Fallen Angels. Time Travelers. Source of Sorcery. A Better Reading of Ezekiel, EZ Kill

    Magick of the Fallen Angels. Time Travelers. Source of Sorcery. A Better Reading of Ezekiel, EZ Kill

  7. The Other Dirty Sanchez. Why They Want You to Believe in Nephilim. Better Translation of Hebrew.

    The Other Dirty Sanchez. Why They Want You to Believe in Nephilim. Better Translation of Hebrew.

  8. First language, Secrets of the Hebrew Letters - The Signs Letters of Adam. First man,( Kanyavski M.)

    First language, Secrets of the Hebrew Letters - The Signs Letters of Adam. First man,( Kanyavski M.)

  9. Dance of the Moon and the God of Love. White Lies Matter. A Better Translation of Hebrew. Elon Musk

    Dance of the Moon and the God of Love. White Lies Matter. A Better Translation of Hebrew. Elon Musk

  10. Magick From Abaddon the Destroyer. The Real Queen of Lizards. A Better Translation Hebrew and Greek.

    Magick From Abaddon the Destroyer. The Real Queen of Lizards. A Better Translation Hebrew and Greek.

  11. Beginning of the End. Fatimas Secret of Revelations. Fine Arts Day.

    Beginning of the End. Fatimas Secret of Revelations. Fine Arts Day.

  12. The Mystery and Secrets of Creation Part 2 - Rod Bryant

    The Mystery and Secrets of Creation Part 2 - Rod Bryant
