1 year ago|Toke N Choke with the Based Stoner | as we approach the new year let's remember these things |Based Stoner
1 year ago|Toke N Choke with the Based Stoner | reject their ways and walk your own way!!! |Based Stoner
11 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | let's smoke together and laugh at fools. |Based Stoner
11 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | nickelodeon loves pedos, change my mind. |Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | yes we still mining salt but we are running dry lol |Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | i toldeso, dishonorable man is still dishonorable man |Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | come and let us partake in thy herb and watch fools|Based Stoner
3 months agoToke n Choke with the based stoner | they losing their minds and no one is reaping the benefits |Based Stoner