1. 019 Who to Believe When it Comes to Medical Advice Meta-Researchers.

    019 Who to Believe When it Comes to Medical Advice Meta-Researchers.

  2. 020 How Homeopathy Works- You've Probably Never Heard This Before! - YouTube

    020 How Homeopathy Works- You've Probably Never Heard This Before! - YouTube

  3. 021 4 Heart Tests Your M.D. Won't Run But YOU Need -

    021 4 Heart Tests Your M.D. Won't Run But YOU Need -

  4. 013 Light is VERY Important for Your Health Why, What it is, and How to Consume Light -

    013 Light is VERY Important for Your Health Why, What it is, and How to Consume Light -

  5. 015 Primer on Herbs That Americans Need to Know.

    015 Primer on Herbs That Americans Need to Know.

  6. 010 The Most Common Causes of Poor Health

    010 The Most Common Causes of Poor Health

  7. 004 How to Change Your DNA to Improve Your Health

    004 How to Change Your DNA to Improve Your Health

  8. Bitter herbs for better digestion. Helps you eat less food. 156

    Bitter herbs for better digestion. Helps you eat less food. 156

  9. Your Liver LOVES Ketosis! And so do your other organs! Visual proof.160

    Your Liver LOVES Ketosis! And so do your other organs! Visual proof.160

  10. Measuring ketogenicity of food. Both equations work! 153

    Measuring ketogenicity of food. Both equations work! 153

  11. Address 3 Steps When Healing Chronic Disease 236

    Address 3 Steps When Healing Chronic Disease 236

  12. How Low Can Your Sugar Go in Keto Introducing Taggy, Our Newest Practitioner Speaks Arabic, French

    How Low Can Your Sugar Go in Keto Introducing Taggy, Our Newest Practitioner Speaks Arabic, French

  13. For New Visitors Channel Trailer. Veteran viewers will like it too! 223

    For New Visitors Channel Trailer. Veteran viewers will like it too! 223

  14. 1)Where Paleo Ends and Keto Begins. 2) Attributes of Health. 224

    1)Where Paleo Ends and Keto Begins. 2) Attributes of Health. 224

  15. Top vegans bash low-carb diets but don't tell you the full story and other misinfo..

    Top vegans bash low-carb diets but don't tell you the full story and other misinfo..

  16. Ancient Keto Foods Our Ancestors Ate 221

    Ancient Keto Foods Our Ancestors Ate 221
