2 years ago670. Judas Hangs Himself & Jesus the "Malefactor." Matthew 27:2-10, John 18:29-32Everlight Ministries (The Book of Jesus)
2 years ago693. Lament Near Golgotha, Place of a Skull. Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:21-22, Luke 23:27-33, John 19:17Everlight Ministries (The Book of Jesus)
1 year ago230 &14 Whales+230= PrinceOf Wales Crowned King Of UK-14.Throne,Ark,Altar,Vail.Apostasy! 2Th 2:3Many Fish
1 month ago"The Parables of the Kingdom and Jesus’ Authority Challenged" Matthew 22#shorts #youtube #jesus #ytsecret of faith in jesus christ.