BRICS | Why Did Egypt Officially Ditch the U.S. Dollar? Why Is Nigeria No Longer Accepting U.S. Dollars As Payment for Oil & May Return to a Gold-Backed Currency + "The System Is Broken And Eventually It Is Going to Collapse." - Edward G. Gr
BRICS | "BRICS Nations Have the Oil, They Have Their Natural Resources, They Don't Have to Put Up With It & They're Not Going to Put Up With It. Two-Thirds of Those Hombres Aren't Friends of This Constitutional Republic We Have.&qu
Dollar Collapse | Did the Petrodollar Just Collapse As the Digital Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the FIRST TIME EVER to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction with Saudi Arabia? De-Dollarization Is HERE!!!
BRICS | BRICS Summit Adds Six Resource Rich Countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina & UAE) Who 44% of the Earth's Global Oil Production | "The World They Are Going Into Is a Non-Christian World." - Kiyosaki
Hyperinflation | Is Hyperinflation Found In Revelation 6:5-6? + The History of the "PETRODOLLAR" Explained | "Over 70% of All $100 Bills In the World Are Actually Outside of U.S. If Oil Starts Trading In Non Petrodollars, It Will Be Worse T