Newfoundland #BearHUG Crew - Just left Salt Springs ❤ Had an amazing send off from this sweet little community with great big hearts❤ Warm meals and lots of Hugs all the way around! #United - #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGo #O'toolMust
[LIVE] in Ottawa. A proud moment in Canada as millions of Canadians unify as one. Donate to help Druthers grow: Get Real News! #TheMediaIsTheVIRUS
Ottawa Day #3 Night Time - The Truckers Are Staying Quiet For The Locals Families To Be Able To Sleep True Canadian RESPECT - Don't Beleive C.B.C. , GLOBAL ,C.T.V. THEY ONLY LIE - #TrudeauForTreason