SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Former FBI and Ex-Military Reveals the Fate of America—IT WILL FALL AND FAIL, But the Phoenix CAN Rise From the Ashes, Removing the U.S. Corporation and Rebuilding America the Republic. | WE in 5D: AT THIS STAGE This is the Bottlenecked Timeline Left.
Will We Be Given Freedom or Will We Have to TAKE IT? Or Will Too Many Discover They Don’t ACTUALLY Want it?: Former FBI / Military, David Baumblatt EXPOSING the Corporation [and it's ROUGH FALL!] | The Awake Nation (3/27/24)