1. What's hiding behind door #1 (or the MRI machine) at the Shifa hospital in Gaza?

    What's hiding behind door #1 (or the MRI machine) at the Shifa hospital in Gaza?

  2. History Lesson - Gaza could have been Dubai

    History Lesson - Gaza could have been Dubai

  3. One of Palestinian Hamas leaders giving a speech. Just listen, they can't be any more clear!

    One of Palestinian Hamas leaders giving a speech. Just listen, they can't be any more clear!

  4. Gaza has a border with Egypt. Why is nobody demanding anything from Egypt?

    Gaza has a border with Egypt. Why is nobody demanding anything from Egypt?

  5. What does your Baby Girl's bed? Look what they have in Gaza. Ohhh the Innocent Civilians.

    What does your Baby Girl's bed? Look what they have in Gaza. Ohhh the Innocent Civilians.

  6. Islam is Anti-western in every way possible!

    Islam is Anti-western in every way possible!

  7. Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

    Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

  8. Gaza is a prison? Get your Facts straight!

    Gaza is a prison? Get your Facts straight!

  9. The things I have seen in Israel will happen in Europe (and USA)

    The things I have seen in Israel will happen in Europe (and USA)

  10. 2 Separate tunnels at the Hamas Leader's house. Where's the money from? YOU!

    2 Separate tunnels at the Hamas Leader's house. Where's the money from? YOU!

  11. Evidence collected about the Sadistic Rape actions by Palestinazis Hamas

    Evidence collected about the Sadistic Rape actions by Palestinazis Hamas

  12. Shameless Hamas. Using Schools, Hospitals and even Cemeteries as their bases

    Shameless Hamas. Using Schools, Hospitals and even Cemeteries as their bases

  13. Palestinian Hamas Terror Tunnels: 20 years in the making. Straight to the Gaza/Israel border.

    Palestinian Hamas Terror Tunnels: 20 years in the making. Straight to the Gaza/Israel border.

  14. Five IDF Killed in Latest Hamas Attack and Imam Says Islam is Taking Over Western Societies

    Five IDF Killed in Latest Hamas Attack and Imam Says Islam is Taking Over Western Societies

  15. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  16. hamas release hostages

    hamas release hostages

  17. If we can do much worse, how come Israel is not allowed to?

    If we can do much worse, how come Israel is not allowed to?

  18. Pallywood - How anyone still believes anything coming from Gaza is beyond me!

    Pallywood - How anyone still believes anything coming from Gaza is beyond me!

  19. US Aid air-drop kills 5 and injures more in Gaza. Parachute did not open. But let's yell at Israel!

    US Aid air-drop kills 5 and injures more in Gaza. Parachute did not open. But let's yell at Israel!

  20. Gaza: The Americans are trying to poison our children with expired candy. YES! Send them more aid!

    Gaza: The Americans are trying to poison our children with expired candy. YES! Send them more aid!

  21. What are the Hamas priorities with the Aid given to Gaza? Civilians?

    What are the Hamas priorities with the Aid given to Gaza? Civilians?
