Prophecy 99 - YAH Harshly Judges HAARP Weaponry & Cloning! YAH Counters with HIS Word & Holy Tongues Weapon. Pentecost Power "Great Tribulation when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this?"
(Yom Kippur 2002) Prophecy 62 THE KING IS COMING! Excerpts Another One of History's Greatest Prophecies! YAH WARNS about vaccines, quarantined stadiums, even middle-aged fall Who Will Heed?
Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts! Fallen angels will send Nephilim/Zombie forces. To Video game makers, YAH ASKS "Will It Be Fun..?" Hearts Fail (Luke 21:26) GLORIOUS YAH Our Only Hope! (mirrored)