The Great Reset | Presented by "The Homo Deuce": Yuval Noah Harari (The Best-Selling Author of Homo Deus) and Klaus Schwab (The World Economic Forum Founder and the Author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Dictatorships Will Be More Efficient Than Democracies. Democracy Defeated Fascism & Communism Because Democracy Was Better At Processing Data and Making Decisions"
Yuval Noah Harari | Hacking Humans | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Stating, "Most People Will Be Willing to Give Up Their Privacy for Much Better Health Care?"
Eric Trump | Eric Trump and Clay Clark Discuss The Great ReAwakening Versus the Great Reset + The ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Nashville, TN (January 20th & 21st)
Fire and Water: Good Versus Evil, Both Explained and Practically Applied. Episode 4. Day 4: Post-Shower on Wednesday, 01/24/2024, at 06:58 EST. 3 Showers in 4 Days, and Factually Comparing the Raw Food Diet to All Other Diets.
Fire and Water: Good Versus Evil, Both Explained and Practically Applied. Episode 6. Day 6: Post-Shower on Friday, 01/26/2024, at 06:55 EST. The Process of Elimination; 5 Showers in 6 Days, the Raw Food Diet Consecutive Day 3+; and the Aging Cardiovascula
Ye (Kanye West) | Why Did Ye (Kanye West) State the Following?: "I Don't Like the Word Evil Next to Nazis," "Every Human Being Has Something of Value That They Brought to the Table ESPECIALLY HITLER" and "I Like Hitler"