4 years agoBig Government Can't Lockdown God's Law - KJV Baptist preaching debunking heresies on Romans 13BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoBaptists Lift Up Jesus Under Persecution - KJV Preaching, the Last Testament of John the BaptistBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoFUNDAMENTAL THUNDER PODCAST 3: American Gospel Film Review - Calvinist Fatalism vs Prosperity PimpsBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoBow the Knee or Flea: Have No Communion With Devils - KJV Baptist preaching 1 Corinthians 10 pt 3BaptistTampaBay
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4 years agoSaved? Or Being Saved? Debunking James White's Works Salvation, 1 Corinthians 1:18BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoSouthern Baptist Convention Unity With Papacy & Charismatics Rebuked, WA Criswell "Christian Martyr"BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoMen of God Crash Family Holidays: Jesus Preaches In Hometown & Escapes Lynch Mob - KJV preachingBaptistTampaBay
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4 years agoImmaculate Conception of Virgin Mary's Savior & High Priest - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
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3 years agoA Disciple’s Life of Confrontation & Tribulation - KJV Baptist preaching, Jesus ordains the TwelveBaptistTampaBay
3 years agoEvangelical Pride Parade: Contemporary Christian Doormats for Sodom - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
3 years agoA Hated Disciple’s Broken Family & Enduring Faith - Baptist preaching, Jesus ordains the Twelve pt 2BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoSouthern Baptist Convention president affirms Abortion Workers & LGBT AgendaBaptistTampaBay