Excerpts from Anointed Minister Warning World to flee NWO dark jesus superchurch an awesome Deception resembling the genuine/army of copy & paste prophets & teachers (full warning in Description too)
7 Prophecy Excerpts what YAH SAYS about Mark Of The Beast 666 in Great Tribulation-666 is both Spiritual/Physical. One World satan Superchurch will force mandatory worship. Many millions won't take it
Prophecy 150 Excerpts! Reptilian Katy Perry Teaches satanic Cannibalism. YAH GRIEVES "I Did Not Make Flesh To Eat" Harry Potter teaches kids sorcery/witches cursing Trump (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 84 Excerpts For HIS Own "I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there" "these plagues did not come nigh them." It's YAHUSHUA'S SPIRIT & SHED BLOOD (mirrored)
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts! Fallen angels send zombies/Genesis 6 giants fall from skies. Hearts Fail (Luke 21:26) YAHUSHUA Weeps "You have no idea what is being sent here." Call on HIM
Prophecy 32! 1999 Excerpts! Innocent Slaughtered, Blood Money! So Many NATIONS To Strike AMERICA/ALLIES! "No Warnings" YAH SAYS "War..you have now called it upon yourselves!" (mirrored)