General Flynn | A Message for America: Biden, CBDCs & the Patriots Trying to Save the U.S. + Why Did Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Yates Meet Jan. 5th 2017 In the Oval Office? What's the Relationship Between Biden & China?
China | China Preparing for War? Was Zelenskyy High On Mainstream Television? Why Can Egypt Build an Effective Border Wall? Navarro's Wakeup Call to America! Katt Williams Shares the Connection Between Baphomet & Hollywood + BRICS
Amanda Grace | All Roads Lead to Rome? Has Alice Bailey’s Vision Come to Fruition? One World Religion Around the Corner? Why Was Kissinger Xi Jinping’s Friend? Why Did Two Men Who Lead America’s Disastrous China Policy Die This Week?
China | Surely, You Can’t Be Serious! | China Sees Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak, Hospitals Flooded With Patients + “The Long Term Aspiration of Neuralink Is to Achieve Symbiosis w/ Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk
Pandemic | Another Pandemic On Its Way from China? "Hospitals In China Are Once Again Overwhelmed. You Should Be Worried If You Have Young Unvaccinated Children At Home." - WION News (November 23rd 2023)
Agustín Carstens & Yuval Noah Harari Speak At Bank of International Settlements Summit 2024? Artificial Intelligence Controlled Monetary System? China's Skynet? 200 million Monitoring CCTV Cameras of China's "Skynet"
Over 5 years ago the people of Taiwan knew Trudeau was paid by China for access & who knows else what. This video was ignored then, but very relevant today. Be sure to read the subtitles.