3 years agoBilly Graham Preaches the Rapture (1979 Sermon) [mirrored]End Times Bible Prophecy, Christian Truth & Current Events (Raymond7779)
4 years agoSpiritual Eyes to See In A Dark Dumb World - KJV Baptist preaching on Jesus healingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoSouthern Baptist Convention Unity With Papacy & Charismatics Rebuked, WA Criswell "Christian Martyr"BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoBring the Blessed Hope to Your Lost & Dying Children - KJV preaching, Jesus raises Jairus’ daughterBaptistTampaBay
3 years agoA Hated Disciple’s Broken Family & Enduring Faith - Baptist preaching, Jesus ordains the Twelve pt 2BaptistTampaBay
3 years agoA Disciple’s Life of Confrontation & Tribulation - KJV Baptist preaching, Jesus ordains the TwelveBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoWhy Christ Eateth With Publicans Sinners: Jesus Calls Matthew - KJV preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoDisciples Separate from Trash & Gain Treasure: Calling Phillip & Nathanael - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoImmaculate Conception of Virgin Mary's Savior & High Priest - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoSoul Winning to the Yankee Woman at the Well, Where Jesus Wrestled Jacob - KJV preaching John 4BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoJesus Born to Die For Me, The Cross Was NOT Plan B: Temple Prophecies - Baptist preaching Luke 2BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoChurch Family Values: Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-In-Law - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
2 years agoJESUS TALKED THREE TIMES MORE ABOUT HELL THAN HE DID HEAVEN - Billy Graham (short version)Speedcomesfirst_memes
4 years agoNativity Myths Debunked & King Joseph's Royal Claim Confirmed - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoSave the Harlot, Dump the Jezebel: Women of Jesus' Genealogy - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoComing Home to Chaos, Still About His Father's Business - KJV Baptist preaching Luke 2, Matthew 2BaptistTampaBay
4 years agoWhen Wisemen Blessed God, But Herod Could NOT Abort Messiah - KJV Baptist preaching Matthew 2BaptistTampaBay
4 months ago🔥 Moral Relativism…DOES IT WORKI? #cliffeknechtle #faithingod #fyp✝️ Finding Truth Through Faith ✝️