The Great Reset | What Is Agenda 2030? What Is the Great Reset? Why Are People Dying Suddenly? What Will Happen to Those That Have Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Dr. Eric Nepute Asks the Tough Questions
COVID Shots | "One of the Things That I'm Sad About, But It Was Also Kind of Hilarious Is How Many People Were Promoters of the Vaccine, Then Died Suddenly...You're Modifying Your Genes You F$%king Idiot." - Joe Rogan W/ Dr. Debra Soh
Anthony Fauci Exposed AGAIN On Tucker | "Millions Died (from COVID-19) And We've Have Over 1,000 People Arrested for Milling Around the Capital (January 6th)." - Tucker Carlson + Dr. Mikovits + Dr. Bartlett | New Bat Lab In CO?