The Great Reset | From Transgender to Transhuman + "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharmaceutical Industry in 2018) | What Is the Agenda of the Great R
Great Reset | URGENT UPDATE: America's Sovereignty Is At Stake NOW Featuring: Jimmy Evans, Michelle Bachmann, Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates, Helen Clark & Tedros
Great Reset | Biden Admin Gives WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies." - Dr. Matwyshyn + What Is Patent US 2021/0082583 A1?
God's Reset Versus Klaus Schwab's Great Reset | Are We On the Verge of a Jesus Revolution? Is Biden Admin Giving WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies Including Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations & Mass Surveillance?
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer. China Will Be the Engine Driving It Forward. There We Be A Slow Decline In the Value of the Dollar." - George Soros (2009)
COVID Vaccines | "Ideally Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, TEDTalks, New York Times, WEF, etc.)
Baphomet | Why Did Elon Musk Dress Up Like Baphomet for Halloween? Why Did Grimes Show the Baphomet Sign During Her Vanity Fair Shoot? Why Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala? + Musk Wearing New World Order Jacket?
Francis Collins | "I Did Have the Chance to Try to Go On Podcasts With People Who Have the Ear of Evangelical Christians. People Like Rick Warren, People Like Franklin Graham, People Like Tim Keller."
Education | Why Is Our Educational System Intentionally Broken? "They Don't a Population of Citizens Capable of Critical Thinking. They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough to Run the Machines" - George Carlin
Devin Nunes | Devin Nunes Shares About TRUTH Founding TRUTH Social, the TRUTH Russia Gate, the TRUTH Trump's Presidential Campaign & the TRUTH About Joining the ReAwaken America Tour!!!
Israel | Why Is the Man Who Calls Humans Hackable Animals, Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In The History Of Israel? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"
President Trump | A PRAYER CALL for President Donald J. Trump With Special Guests: President Donald J. Trump, General Flynn, Kash Patel, Roger Stone, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer And Clay Clark Join President Trump